Monday, July 28, 2008

Children and Perspective

We had the grandkids over for a couple of days this past weekend, and I'm reminded again of the difference between my normal view of the world and theirs. Somehow the things that worry me are invisible to them. I don't have a lot of profound wisdom to share on the topic, but here are a few random observations:
  • Right now is really all that matters. Regret about past sins or worries about tomorrow's problems doesn't mean much.
  • The world is a generally interesting and amazing place with lots of cool things to do.
  • Some of the really great things to do are completely made up in your head. No "stuff" needed.
  • Some things are funny every time you do them, over and over again.
  • Surprises are often fun.
  • Making people laugh is something worth working at.
I don't know if much of this has anything to do with Jesus' assertion that "...the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:13-15).

Just thinkin'.


Electric Monk said...

Wow. Cute kids. They must come from good stock.

I'm constantly amazed at childrens' simple but profound outlook on the world. If I could live like they did, I'd be a much happier man!

Super Churchlady said...

Tagged you on my blog. You're it!